
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

春雨 (Spring Rain ii) (Explored 6 Feb 2010)

** Explored. Thanks everyone for BP #106 **

春雨 (Spring Rain )

夜色里 霓虹閃爍我眼底
(In the colours of the night, the neon light shimmers below my eyes)
想隱藏的感情 只是不說而已
(Hoping to hide the feelings, just unspoken)
壓抑讓愛啊 遙不可及
(Suppressing makes the love far beyond reach)
明白自己 沒了愛情不可以
(Understanding myself, cannot be without love)
(If i may lie on the softness of the back)
我會因為有愛 歡天喜地
(I will be rejoicing because I have love)
坦然面對 不會躲避
(Facing it real and not hiding)

窗外綿綿的春雨 我蠢蠢慾動的情意
(The soft drizzles of the spring rain, my palpitating feelings)
再也無法不露痕跡 早已不是秘密
(Not able to hide the traces, it is no longer a secret)
就在我的眼底 你是否曾留意
(Right in my eyes, do you ever notice)
滿滿的愛在心里 亂就亂吧何必理
It is filled up in the heart, confused so let it be, it why be bothered)
真愛難免尋尋覓覓 心痛只是必須
(real love unavoidably need to be seeked and searched, heartache is inevitable)
為了等我一生伴侶 (只為等待我一生伴侶)
(To wait for the partner of the rest of my life (Just to wait for the life partner)

是不是你 我在等的 是不是你
(is it you? is the person I am waiting for, you?)
(If there is one day you and i meet again)
你可要相信 不許懷疑
(Please believe and do not suspect)
我的愛 千真萬確 不是兒戲
(My love is true and not just a game)

i will be going to the church tomorrow... :)

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