
Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am a happy artist

Wow, time flies. I have been out of an office job and making photography my passion and livelihood for more than 3 years now. What a ride it has been. I never knew I could. I remember having such conversations with my besties and all I remembered was me telling them it was impossible. Well it was a dream and now, my dream job came true. It is really possible to realize ur dreams if you dare to dream it. Sometimes, we are our own hurdle. If u want it bad enough, you will work towards it. All you need is a step out of your comfort zone, out of the conventional square. I had visions of me doing this kind of production and I did it. All I needed was a courageous step. And I took it. Of course along with the courageous step, you need also a very warm and supportive family. I am blessed with a set of great parents and my elder brother and his wife were really supportive. Without them, I could never have been able to stand where I am standing now. A happy artist with a big circle of supporters and a decent income to sustain my living expenses. Herewith, I encourage all my friends who has a dream to make sure you work on it and do not waste time telling yourself it was impossible. Anything is possible with determination. :)

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